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Hosted by the Orlando Buzzards

Organized by Gordon Buckland & Mike Gardner

CD’d by Sandy Smith

Events Calendar

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2018 Pilot Roster

The up to date Pilots Roster is on RCGroups thread here.
Pilots Name – Entry received – Entry Paid – Battery Ordered

Kyle Paulson – Entered – Paid – 2 Batteries
Warren Day- Entered – Paid – 1 Battery
Mike Smith –
Mike Lachowski – Entered – Paid – No Battery.
Tom Kiesling –
Tim Traver – Entered – Paid – 1 Battery
Pavel Safarik – Entered Paid – 1 Battery
Alexander Safarik – Entered – Paid 1 Battery
Alex Hall –
Maarten Broess – Entered – Paid – 1 Battery
Thomas Cooke – Entered – Paid – No Battery.
Reto Fiolka – Entered – Paid No Battery
Wes Minear – Entered – Paid – No Battery
Steve Condon –
Dennis Phelan –
David Klein –
Dillon Graves –
Jeff Duval –
Jody Miller –
Gordon Buckland – Entered – Paid 1 Battery
John Kennedy – Entered – Paid – 1 Battery
Doug Cronkhite – Entered – Not Paid – No Battery
Shuzo Koyama – Entered – Not paid – No Battery