GatorF3B logo

Hosted by the Orlando Buzzards

Organized by Gordon Buckland & Mike Gardner

CD’d by Sandy Smith

Events Calendar

July  2024
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FAI World Cup Page

The Gator F3B is the first contest annually in a World wide series sanctioned by the FAI called the F3B World Cup. Final Results of the last World Cup series for F3B are here.

The FAI notification of this event on the 2016 calendar is here.

Details of the 2014 Gator F3B World Cup event on the FAI website are here.

The 2013 Gator F3B was first on the annual FAI World Cup Calendar as listed here on the FAI website.

Details can be viewed here of the 2012 Gator F3B results on the FAI website.

A list of each of the annual F3B World Cups held to date and the results can be found here.